Sunday, October 4, 2009

What to do with all of those apples?

I love fall! As a native Floridian I always anticipate the changing of seasons here in South Carolina. Fall is a favorite of mine. The temperature drops a few degrees, chunky sweaters and peacoat jackets come out of the closet; and you can catch a waft of nutmeg, pumpkin and apple coming from the kitchen. Sounds enticing and cozy, doesn't it? Well a few weeks ago, Houston and I went up to North Carolina to my family's mountain house. We bought some bushels of apples, and it was way more than I actually needed. So, here we arrive at the topic of my post. What to do with all of those apples? I gave some away to very happy recipients, but I still had a bushel to myself. I've been quite regular, to say the least. : ) Since one of my new hobbies is baking, I thought I'd marry the two to come up with these fabulous muffins. I woke up around 7 a.m. to bake them for breakfast, and it made the house smell delightful. I took one to Houston in bed and he was quick to reciprocate with a groggy "mmmmmm." Of course, I substitute everything that calls for sugar or brown sugar with Splenda and you can't tell a bit of difference. Since the muffins turned out so nicely, I think I'll make another batch and take them to work with me tomorrow.

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